Sahara Marte, 2022
Sahara-Mars is an installation of 14 light boxes arranged in pairs, where one of the photos of each pair was taken in the Sahara or it is a screenshot from Google Earth, and the other one is a screenshot of photos taken by the Perseverance and Curiosity NASA robots, from photos originally published in March of 2022. You can’t hardly tell where each landscape belongs to.
Mediated by technology and information, we move throughout previously unsuspected scales, and we are interconnected in ways that make it impossible not so be. Prey to the immediate, I feel I am a piece of an entanglement to which I am plugged in, with no option to opt out; in this context, I perceive myself as an informational being who devours and emits information, a "cyber-me", or cyborg made up of a living creature, plus the sum of my devices: camera, telephone, computer, data plan, cable, etc.
If the cyber-person continues becoming more sophisticated, if our planet is no longer suitable for human life as it is today, or if other individuals of my species come up with ways to survive off-planet as in fictional series, I will not be there; when in thousands of years the particles that today make up my body are reconfigured into air, stone, or intermingle within the insect’s DNA, I prefer to think my future still on Earth. Should I be base soil of the bushes in a future garden, then, wet, I will yield to the force of someone's steps; then dry, I will rise with the wind.
First time exhibited: June 2022
LA galería arte contemporáneo,
solo show OASIS - el camino de Nordine